So where have we been?
Two years ago we were shut down by Northampton Police as they seized every electronic device. They took every phone, computer, backup and our assets to operate. We have not been able to access any social media, our website, bank accounts or email accounts for this time. This even affected our personal lives.
And this was all because someone alleged they were offended.
We encouraged the police to search our devices as they were not going to find anything other than evidence for our innocence and they had made a mistake. They refused to respond to any of our requests or search our devices for over a year.
When Northampton Police finally searched our devices they realised they had made a mistake, however they then manipulated their powers and procedures desperate to find something to charge us with that would justify the investigation.
Our signatures were forged, they deleted our evidence, they fabricated multiple false allegations and put pressure on us to self-incriminate ourselves.
All of this has now been proven it was for nothing as nothing was found, we were telling the truth and there was multiple levels of abuse of process from Northampton Police Force for their desired outcome.
We only got our devices back on the 21/11/24 and the police have deleted a lot of our files, lost hard drives and broken hard drives with our data on. We have spent the last week assessing the damage and possibility of recovery.
We want to return and hope we can. But it will require a fresh start as a lot of data has been lost. We know we had something good so any help would be appreciated.
We understand it may have been frustrating if people have tried to contact us, we haven’t ignored you, we were just in a situation out of our control.
We hope we can return, we will keep you updated.
Combat Simulations Team